“Little Bear” Kuker - (2018)

Little Bear is a multi-medium totem of protection. His role is to guard the household
by warding away evil spirits and restoring good vibes. Drawing inspiration from
Bulgarian Kuker (pronounced “coo-care”) folklore, the sculpture combines
various traditional elements such as bells, beads, and animal parts along with
modern elements inspired by the World Culture of cannabis. Partaking in the use
of cannabis with others creates a connection between individuals that blends
the interior and exterior realms of life, often unifying people through their shared
experience. Various details on the sculpture are linked to Little Bear’s origin
story from the Shaman Scrolls:

by the Shaman; Little Bear, to honor the Spirit of a black
bear shot by a hunter.
The Shaman sparked 1000 Backwoods filled with herbs for the fallen creature.

The raging spirit of the bear found peace and manifested a body from empty
Backwoods packs. It took on the skeletal form of the Shaman as a sign of respect and gratitude but kept its fangs as a warning
to man and his harmful practices against nature.

The Shaman taught Little Bear about the balance of good and evil found in man,
and entrusted Little Bear with a key to his knowledge and scrolls.

Gifted the H’Eye Chain, a symbol of the connection between the three parts of
man (Body, Mind, Soul) leading to the opening of the third eye of

Little Bear was sent out into the world.
The Shaman said as he watched the spirit leave,

“Child of Nature, Spirit and Man, you will bring peace to the world.”